We own a network of industry news websites in a plethora of markets : HVAC, energy, environment, manufacturing, etc.
We own a series of websites focussed on recruitment, education and training.
We focus on technologies that can help our readers lower their footprint on the world, wether they’re industrial companies or regular citizens.
Additionally, we help our readership in their daily life by providing insuightful advice on products, technology and companies through market research, expert interviews and lengthful guides and articles.
We also help companies grow their business through online marketing support, consulting and website development.
Greengalileo offers various levels of marketing support. We can help you grow your website and your business, so why don't you go ahead and get in touch?
Our quotes are free and quick, so be sure to take advantage of it!
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HVAC Intelligence
HVAC Intelligence is a specialized website about Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and smart buildings.
Being our oldest website, HVAC Intelligence benefits from a very qualified readership of C-level executives from the major HVAC & energy companies in France.

DHC News
District Heating is the future of the Energy transition in Europe, and that’s the reason we launched DHCNews.com a few years back.
In a couple of years, it became the leading independant French website on Distrcit Heating, smart cities and decentralized energy.

GreenTech Journal
Innovation is the name of the game, and the last few years have proven that startups are great at innovating.
GrrenTechJournal focuses on the very diverse European start-up landscape, with a strong emphasis on actionable technologies that can be applied right away.

GoDurable provides helpful insights on sustainable development.
Our target is mainly the general public.
Available in: French

Domoclick is dedicated to the house of the future, smart homes, home and building automation, smart home hubs, domotics, the Internet of Things, smart devices .
Available in: French

Air Durable
Air Durable focuses on indoor air quality, climate control systems, air conditioning, and ventilation.
The target audience is both industry professionals and the general public.
Available in: French

InfoBTP focuses on the construction industry and everything related to homes, offices, and other types of buildings.
Available in: French

Alternance Professionnelle
Alternance Professionnelle focuses on the emerging “alternance” market in France: a way for employers to guide young students as they study for their future job.
Available in: French

Agenda Formation
Agenda Formation is a website dedicated to everything related to training.
The website offers comprehensive news coverage, extensive resources about training in France, and is the platform of choice to find new candidates for your training programs.
Available in: French
All our websites feature a fresh news section
In the ever-changing world we live in, everything is about news.
Each of our websites cover their special industry extensively, with a regular newsletter. Regular news updates allow us to drive traffic to the websites and give small, innovative companies the visibility they need and deserve.
Our experts know what they’re talking about
Each of our websites is run by a team of highly-skilled experts who are at the top of their game.
We regularly publish extensive market reseearch that’s highly regarded and visible on the search engines. This research can be a very technical focus on an innovative technology, or a business-style market report designed to help foreign companies learn about the French market, and everything in between.
Either way, we always thrive to provide the best information possible to help our readers.
Expert opinions matter more than anything
Operating in a very special industry means we get to interview the best people out there.
Whether they just launched innovative companies, are highly-skilled engineers or CEOs of a world-class business, we put our best people out there to provide our readers with the best these people have to offer.
The General Public loves educational material
We’ve always wanted to use our enhanced visibility as information providers to help people.
In order to do this, we carefully choose our topics and provide people with full-length articles filled with every piece of information there is about a particular matter.
And when we’re done, we move on to the next one. This is why you’ll always find buyer’s guides on our websites: it helps us attract people and grow our newsletter subscribers while helping people make educated choices.
Energy & Environment
As more and more businesses thrive to manufacture their products while respecting the environment, they need a platform to show themselves.
An we need to show people that while energy is an important issue, it’s not an unsolvable one.
HVAC & Industry
HVAC & industry are niche markets, but the innovation they witness grows stronger every year.
Both are growing markets with very strong opportunities.
District heating & smart cities
Enter smart cities and decentralized energy: a way out we never see on the news.
With very strong growth opportunities for French and foreign companies alike, these markets are going to be of the utmost importance very quickly.